Friday, March 7, 2008

Catch-up...(1 of 2)

I kept telling myself that I am going to catch up my blog for about two months now and just feel overwhelmed every time I sit down to do it. So, I have decided to just start fresh and never get behind again! (yeah right) This post is going to have lots of pictures of the last couple months and not much journaling. After enjoying reading all my friends blogs, I have decided to try to journal more about the everyday things that happen in our lives. (that will come in future blogs) :-) we go:

We are liking Walnut Creek but miss all our friends in San Mateo. Here are a few photos of our new house. (i would post more but, these were only rooms 'camera worthy') There is also a picture of my garden. :-)

About 2 weeks after our moved we went on our CRUISE! It was wonderful!! We did a lot of relaxing, dancing and eating. Went to some great shows, swam with HUGE stingrays, hiked Duns River Falls...I could go on for hours!! Thank you mom and dad for watching Max for us. Knowing Max was in great hands (the best) allowed us to enjoy ourselves to the fullest! (FYI: you guys are off probation!)


  1. Wow! It looks like you guys had so much fun! A well deserved trip for such a busy time you have had. I love the new house and can't wait to see more of it! You will have to give me gardening tips, I SO do not have a green thumb!

  2. Hooray! I am so glad to see some updates! Your house looks almost as amazing as your cruise! How fun!

  3. Fun cruise pics! Did you guys buy in Walnut Creek? I love that area...its just too far for Kurt to commute from.

  4. so cute- love these photos. it looks just as fun as i imagine a cruise is supposed to be.

    i like it in the shot where you are all 'raise the roof y'all!' and also patrick in glasses INSIDE. We all know only cool people can get away with that, so I like you guys like 1120% even more now.

  5. I am so jealous you got to go on a cruise, and just you two. Someday! I love all the pictures.

  6. I am so jealous you got to go on a cruise, and just you two! I love all the pictures, what a cute kid!

  7. I am so glad you updated! I was just getting ready to delete you thinking that you had abandoned the blog permanently. Max is adorable and Erika hasn't even shown me pictures yet so it was fun to see you guys on the cruise.

  8. YeaH!!! you are blogging again! Great pictures. Can we all just go on another cruise already!! I loved it too:) And Max has the best hair. He is so cute!!!
