Friday, November 2, 2007

Hurry and read this before Peter deletes it...

Okay, so I had to take these pictures before Peter comes home to take this car away from him. Earlier, I went to out storage to put the Halloween stuff back and Max spotted my sweet Barbie car. Max loves to push it around the house with "Sergeant Lee" in it. Lets just say this is Max's new favorite toy and now Ken is on the top of his Christmas list.


Just a small glimpse of how my day was yesterday...
This was preceded by Max climbing up on our bookshelf, falling, hitting his front tooth, lip and nose. (he got a bloody mouth and nose) Then this was followed by a HUGE diaper blowout. I bought Huggies last time I got diapers because they were on sale. I will never do that again. Huggies are like thongs on him! Almost every stinky diaper...he leaks. Anyways, this all happened within 20 minutes of each other.
On a side note...Peter told me yesterday that Max looks like Bill Cosby in that sweater. What do you guys think. I personally love the sweater.