Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Catch up...(2 of 2)

After our cruise some of our great friends the Harrisons (our most faithful visitors) and the Lymans came to visit. It was great catching up with them and visiting.

...and last, but most important, MAXIMO! :-) Here are a few new things about Max since we have moved:

  • He loves to play in the backyard, that is, his OWN backyard!!!
  • He has discovered the world of finger painting and LOVES it. (thanks Liz)
  • His hair is getting longer and curlier everyday.
  • He loves to wear hats and loves to take ALL of them out at once and see how many he can get on his head at once.
  • He is following in his daddy's footsteps and is rooting for the Eagles to win the super bowl next year.
  • He also loves the Jazz. Every time he sees a basketball hoop outside or on TV he yells 'GO JAZZ...niiicccce'
  • He is obsessed about going potty on the big boy potty. (well he tries. only once success so far)
  • He talks and talks and talks. He says more words everyday and says 3-4 word sentences.
  • He climbs NON-STOP. On everything!
  • He love playing tinker toys and lincoln logs with his daddy.
  • He loves watching Elmo and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, over and over and over...


  1. OK, this made me cry. He is so big! I can't even believe how much he has changed in just a few months! We miss that little guy so so much!

  2. Max is such an adorable little guy! We miss him here!!

    I can't believe you are already potty training him! If it works, you'll need to let me know your secret!

  3. NO, NO...I am NOT potty training him yet, nor do I think he is or will be ready anytime soon. He just loves to try on the potty! :-)

  4. Just noticed you updated your blog! Logan took loves Mickey Mouse Playhouse...or anything on Disney in the morning. I think I have all the songs memorized.
