Monday, March 16, 2009

Look who wears big boy underwear...

and you guys thought Max was smart for his age!

Peter and I have tried EVERYTHING to get Max excited for the big boy potty. He just simply has NO interest. I have started to tell him that we are going to give his Thomas, Spiderman, Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny and Diego underwear to his friend Peyton, (his friend from church that just became potty trained) to see if he would want to try to start wearing them. He did not seem to care much. So after Peter changed Solomon, he put on Max's underwear over his diaper and said that he was going to give Solomon his big boy underwear so they did not go to waste. Still, no reaction.

Any suggestions?


  1. Just let Solomon keep them! I bet he'll do great on the potty!

  2. I haven't had any luck either. See blog: Let me know if anything works for you!

  3. I would just say wait till HE is ready. I have heard it just takes longer if they are not ready yet. Good luck!

  4. haha you'd think that would work!! max is just too smart. no tips here, sorry.

  5. I totally agree with the comment right above mine. Wait. It's easy as pie if you wait until they are ready. We toilet trained Ethan in one day by waiting until he was ready and excited about it. Of course, he was 3 years and 4 months old... older than some who are potty trained. But it was totally worth the wait. He toilet trained himself!

  6. i did too many different things with zane, but he seemed to respond best to a potty chart. just a construction piece of paper I put squares on and each time he went he got a sticker or a smiley face. when he filled one row he got a big piece of candy and when he filled the chart we went to walgreens (it was always late at night) to pick out a toy.

    I kept him naked watching cartoons on a potty in front of the tv for a few days to get the chart thing going strong. he got an m&m or smarty with each deposit.

    poo took a lot longer but eventually happened. just so you know- potty training was one of my least fav experiences as a parent so if it happens to drive you insane like it did for me and is max is anywhere near as complicated as zane was then know that it will eventually work out. and it's ok to hate the process on the inside.

    oh and i ignored accidents cos he was trying to get negative attention some of those times as we also had a new baby at home so that's how I chose to deal with those. if we didn't have a new baby I would have had him help me clean it up, but I just cleaned up without scolding and showed him where he was suppose to go instead.

    hope this wasn't too much info....

  7. I have heard that it takes longer for boys to potty train. If he isnt showing any interest I guess you just have to wait :/ I am not looking forward to the potty training! P.S Thats awesome your parents live out in Saratoga! Have they always lived in Utah? We should totally get together next time you are here to visit! It would be fun to see you and meet your little family :)

  8. Don't worry about it. I know it feels like he's going to be in diapers until he leaves for college, but I would agree about the waiting until he's ready. At the end of the day, it's up to him.

  9. Peter peed his pants FOREVER!!! I vividly remember his favorite pair of purple courds soaked with pee and him denying that he had an accident because he didn't want to stop playing. I would give advice---but who in the heck really knows---not me. All I know is that PETER PEED HIS PANTS.

  10. Yes, I totally agree with your friend Jodee! You have no idea how long I've struggled with trying to get Jimmy potty trained! For over a full year we tried. We've tried everything: threatening to take toys away, bribing him with star wars action figures or candy, using stickers...etc. Here and there he would use the potty, but nothing consistant. And I would get REALLY frustrated with the messy underwears!! I gave up. Completely gave up. I said fine, you can wear diapers, I'm not doing this anymore. Even Alyssa (1 year younger than him) passed him up with potty training. 6 months after I gave up, he decided on his own "I need to go potty". I thought to myself "Yeah right". He went to the bathroom all by himself! We did the big "Yay!! High five! Good Job!" Huggs and kisses! but I didn't expect him to keep it up. To my surprise, he did. He's never had an accident since. So if you feel you're working too hard. My advice is "give up". He'll come around. :)

  11. Liz, Do yourself a FAVOR. Wait till Max asks to go, otherwise you are just killing yourself for no reason. He will realize that this is a pressure-point for you and Peter, and he will use it to his advantage. Don't give him the power. Stay chill.
    Plus, you have a new baby. You have other things to worry about.

  12. 3 years and 4 months to 3 years and 8 months is a magical time. Something happens and their little potty switch turns on. Don't stress yourself out. He's won't go to K in diapers and also if you push the issue before he's ready you'll be cleaning up a lot of messes. I promise he'll go before the age of 6. Alyssa was 3 years 4 months and 2 days and Hunter was 3 years 6 months fully down by 8 months and both never had an accident. This is Max's only thing that is fully his let him work it out and give up his control in his own time, you have enough on your plate.

  13. Yes, liz., that is my plan. I am waiting till Harrison is so ready he begs me so that it doesn"t take over our lives! I love the undies on Sol!! I miss you guys! I hope your well, I need to get your pics to you--sorry it is taking me so long!

  14. I feel your pain..we tried everything under the sun with Tate, he wanted nothing to do with it. Finally I just gave up and decided he could stay in diapers forever. Two months later he woke up one day and said he had to go the potty and asked for his underwear and that was it. He totally trained himself of course he was 3 years and 7 months, but I just think that the more I pushed the less he wanted to and as soon as I backed off for a while he did it. Good luck!
