Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yesterday we adventured out into the city to the exploratorium. I am just going to refer you to my friend Jenny's blog for the 411, but will add a couple other "events" that made me laugh throughout the day.

  • spending about ten minutes at each elevator, waiting for a couple of us to go up/down at a time.
  • Sarajane's and my bart tickets not working. We had to go the booth when we got on and off the bart for us to prove we paid.
  • Jacob's drink spilling on him soaking his pants, Robyn's skirt and shoe.
  • the HAIR in my pizza
  • Robyn's nasty chicken quesadilla (i think her words were "the chicken smelt rank"?)
  • the smell of the building blocks in the toddler area...(I can't imagine what it smelt like to you prego ladies)
  • on the way there: trying to get my freaking dollar to go into the bus machine, getting frazzled as I look to the side of me seeing Max run to the back of the bus and behind me seeing about 30 people waiting for me. (keep in mind Sol is in the baby bjorn and i am trying to hold my stroller so it does not fall down the stairs) Then I hear Robyn say, "he said it's okay, he will take care of it"...what?...come to find out the man behind her just wanted on the stinking bus so he told her to just get on the bus and paid for Robyn and carried her stroller on so that we did not hold everyone up even longer!
  • on the way home: trying to get away with carrying my stroller on the bus with two sleeping children, only to find out that when the bus pulled up the driver said "take babies out and fold stroller", then trying my hardest to keep both children happy as I yank each one out handing them off and pulling apart my stroller, handing off my diaper bag, blankets and stroller seat to all the other girls.
  • on the bart ride home changing Sol's poopy diaper on my lap, only to find out he was no done pooping when I took the diaper off. (luckily I left the diaper below his bum to catch his remaining poo.)
  • on the bart ride home watching Max propel Jacob's rubber centipede in the air landing in the crotch of a man reading the newspaper. (he did not see it coming due to the newspaper in front of his face) He jumped and said "WOE!" I was so embarrassed and laughing so hard that I had to turn the other way and Robyn was nice enough to apologize. I will have to say he was a pretty good sport about it. Robyn and I started to cry we were laughing so hard.
(a few pics from our day)
(downtown San Francisco trying to find the bus stop)
(in front of the exploratorium with Robyn and Jacob)
(Laura and Harrison blowing a bubble)
(Jenny, why are you flipping the wall off?) lol
(playing in the 4x4 toddler area...I am building a house with Max out of the stinky blocks)
(the babies and baby's mamas)
(me trying to nurse on the bus ride home...this was before the 40+ children hopped on...note to self: never ride the bus when school is getting out!)
(this was after)
(the perfect ending to the perfect day...oh wait, that's right...they fell asleep before we got on the bus to come home)
(high fives for all the brave mommies that are not afraid of a little adventure in life!)

Okay ladies...what did I forget? Thanks for a great outing that made for a memorable day Sarajane! I can't wait for the next one!


  1. such great memories!! the bug on that man's crotch was the funniest story by far; i wish i'd seen it happen. i am obsessed with the picture of your two little kiddos sleeping in the stroller- too bad they woke up about 5 minutes later!!

  2. Ok, that is so funny that you blogged about the stinky blocks, because right when I read that I could REMEMBER that smell and it was GROSS. I can't believe you didn't just drive. You are brave to do public transpo all the way to the Palace of Fine Arts. What a fun day!

  3. yeah Marisa, the blocks smelt like they were coated with nasty saliva. (okay, lets face it they most likely were!)

  4. Looks like fun. Your kids are lucky that their momma is willing to make the sacrifices to take them fun places out of the house!

  5. Fun trip, gotta love SF's public transportation (or lack there of!)
    Are you lovin' the Phil and Teds?
