Friday, January 23, 2009

I just got a knock on the door from the FedEx man holding a box with 1 lb of this heavenly goodness inside!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW...mmmmm THANKS SO MUCH Kristina!!!

FYI- This is mars fudge from the BYU Bookstore and VERY delicious!!!


  1. oh you lucky woman!! i'm going to have to go make some cookies for myself now...

  2. Oh no! I thought I read the description well enough to have bought the fudge without nuts! Now, I read again and sure enough there are almonds. I'm so sorry. I hope you can eat it. Or someone in your house can. It does look good. (o:

  3. yes! among my favorite gifts after giving birth are the ones related to food and treats for me. awesome!
