Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Merry Christmas...oh, I mean Happy Thanksgiving?!?

Yes it is true, I put our Christmas tree up. I have never put it up so early, but this year had the urge! I don't have any Thanksgiving decor, and we are not having any company for Thanksgiving, so I figured, why not? I have not pulled out the music yet. :) (that does not mean I change the station when it is on) I think I just feel like this year Christmas is going to come and go so fast with a baby due two weeks before, so I wanted to enjoy it as long as I could.
(This first picture Max stood in front of the tree and asked me to take a picture of him...I think this was the first time he has ever "asked" for his picture to be taken)

Max had so much fun decorating the tree. He would put about 5 ornaments on each branch.


  1. that sounds like nesting to me :)

  2. Oh I love your berry garland on the tree. And yes I think that is a good excuse to get out the tree early. :)

  3. Wow...I thought I was bad. :) I have my Christmas shopping pretty much done except for a few things I can buy online (I started in July...). I'm planning on having Kurt put up our tree etc. while he's home helping with the baby.
