Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Will someone who actually likes Huggies tell me WHY and what the trick is with them...
  • every time Max goes number 2 they leak
  • every time Max goes number 1 they leak
  • Max got a rash the first week he wore them
  • he keeps scratching his bum and inner thigh saying that they itch (where they have that really lame "elastic" bunching)
  • they are hard (cardboard -like)
  • and everyone seems to be irregular
I know they are what, like 2-3 dollars cheaper, but this is not worth dealing with the above mentioned problems! Now I have 144 diapers to get through, ugh! (not to mention all the "dirty" clothes!)


  1. i did know that!! magic mountain is probably the only one we'd ever get to, but still pretty cool!

  2. oops that was for the FYI post. i pretty much only like huggies because they're cheap and kate has never leaked in them so it works out for us!! must be a boy thing! she also doesn't notice they're uncomfortable because she's used to them i guess. i'll buy them off you if you really hate them that much.

    on the other hand...maybe keeping max in the huggies will inspire him to potty train faster!

  3. Yeah we never liked the huggies either. While I was in AZ i tried Luvs and they werent that bad although I couldnt find them at Safeway here (ugh I HATE Safeway) but you can get them on diapers.com I'll give you a couple next time I see you so you dont have to buy a whole box just to sample them.

  4. I hate huggies too. I use the costco diapers and they work just great.

  5. I hated Huggies with Madison and used Pampers. However, I love them with Beckham and have used only Huggies- go figure! No leaks, no rashes (and my kids have really sensitive skin) and no irregualr ones... I don't know! All I know is I can't stand Luvs, they stink like pee the second they get wet. Gross!

  6. I guess I will go back to pampers cruisers! No other diaper compares to them! They are so soft and comfy! (and they don't smell like pee as soon as they pee in them) Jodee, I should have added that to the list. I think Huggies do that too!

  7. I could only use Huggies or Costco brand with Lilly. She always leaked out of the pampers and the cheap brands we tried. With Ellery we just stuck with the Costco ones and they worked great. Luci was leaking out of her costco ones so we bought some huggies. They work better but she still leaks sometimes. I think it is the super long peterson bum crack. Wish my kids had those cute Gjennestaad bums!

  8. maybe he is allergic to them???? it can happen I gave up on the expensive diapers and switched to luvs and i love them!!! laker can go all night and sometime till noon the next day...that is if his dad has him....without leaking!!! sure he is 10lbs heavier! plus they are cheaper than huggies or pampers

  9. I loved reading these comments... no one can agree. :) I hate Pampers, and only like Huggies. Yea, they are cheaper, but Huggies don't leak for us, and Pampers do. We also have a very controlled experiment with one of each. :)
