Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Here is Peter's costume...

Here is who is supposed to look like...Here is Max's costume...

Here is who he is supposed to look like...Now I just have to finish mine! (and add the whiskers onto Max's) My friend Jenny drew the scales onto Peter's pants for me. Here is a picture of the kids enjoying an otter pop while we were working on the costumes yesterday. Thanks again Jenny!!


  1. i've said it once and i'll say it are a domestic goddess!! those sewing skills are amazing! can't wait to see the final product.

  2. I never knew you were such a seamstress! Those are awesome! I can't wait to see a final family picture on Halloween!

  3. Ok, that is awesome. Go Liz! You are amazing! (Now I can't wait to see a picture of Peter in that thing!)

  4. Wow! Good job!! Cant wait to see them on!

  5. Liz those are awesome. You are so creative. What a task to make all the costumes, but you did such a great job. They look exact! I love it!

  6. That Maximo is growing up too fast! Holy cow what a cute kid! Thanks for your comment on our blog. You are awesome Liz...I look forward to you and Jeanine getting to know each other over time :) How have you been feeling? I think it's a girl!
