Friday, October 5, 2007

Well, finally after months of telling myself I am going to do this "blog" thing, here I am. I guess I should catch everyone up in our lives. Lets back up a few years. Peter and I got married in the winter of 2000, it was a beautiful day. The bees were buzzing, birds singing...just kidding! We will not back it up that far and I will not bore all of you with those details! Peter and I have had a pretty adventurous life. We have lived in 4 states in 7 years including Utah, Nevada, Massachusetts and California. (we have moved 7 times) We have a little boy Maximo who turned 1 in July. We also have a pug, named Pookie, who is 4 years old.

A little about Peter:

Peter is the smartest person I know. He remembers the quirkiest facts and most random bits of information...from sports stats to history he knows it ALL! (except he somehow convienently forgets things that I ask him to do, or converstions we have) :-) Peter has a bachlors degree, JD and LLM. He is an amazing dad. Every time he comes home from work he swings the door open singing and clapping, marching around the couch. Max and Pookie chase him and yell and bark until they finally end up on the floor in a "dog pile"! Max loves his daddy so much!

A little about Maximo:

Where do I even start with Max? Max is one busy boy! Max loves his dog. He loves to chase her and play tug-of-war with her. I would have to say that Pookie is one of Max's best friends. (I would say that she is his best friend but I think Max's friend Beckham is tied for 1st with her.) Max loves to go outside. He loves to play with other kids. He loves to eat. He loves to swing. He loves balls and balloons...and his newest discovery, suckers. (It is how I keep him under control when I am shopping). Max has been such a blessing in our lives! He makes me smile bigger and brighter everyday.

A little about me:

All you have to know about me is that I love my family and feel like the luckiest girl to have such wonderful people to share my life with!!


  1. Don't worry, I am new to this blog world too. But it is fun to see what everyone is up to. Max is as cute as ever!

  2. Yay! I LOVE it! I am so excited to be able to keep in touch this when we move! We are going to miss you guys so much! Max's next word is Beckham, I just know it!

  3. Beautiful site Liz! It's great to hear about the new things going on with you all! I'd love to get some of those pictures that we took with the Japanese chicks and at the park when you have a sec.
    Thanks for being such a great friend!



  4. I love your little family Liz! You guys are all so adorable!

