Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We voted...

Peter and I voted this morning!

(This picture is of Max and I toughing it out in the pouring rain campaigning for prop 8 yesterday.)


  1. good job campaigning! Our ward would not let us stand on corners with our kids so unfortunately I could not do it :( And I actually wanted to. I like how your jacket is yellow also.

  2. You're awesome! Hope to see you guys sometime soon! How have you been feeling? Everything been going smooth?

  3. I heard about those awesome costumes...glad I could track down your blog again (we had a hard drive crash) so I could check it out and say HI!!! nice job on the prop work and costumes!

    miss you guys!

  4. Go Liz! I let Wayne do the standing on the corner, while I ate dinner at home with the kids. You and Max are troopers!
