Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2008 Gjennestad Olympics

So major catch up again! We have been super busy the last month. Here are some highlights:

Peter's parents came to visit us. We had fun just relaxing and hanging out. We decided to go to Borges Ranch and take Max to see the animals. On our drive out there, I spotted a snake right off the side of the road. I was scared to let Max out of the car so when we got to the animals, we did not stay long. (there were a couple people there when we got out of the car and they even warned us about rattlesnakes being out) That was a big enough warning for me, so we headed back out. On our way out, Peter's dad decided he wanted to see the snake I spotted up close. We stopped and he got out to look for it. It was hiding under a log and after examining it for a couple minutes, the snake started shaking it's rattle warning Peter's dad to back off! He did manage to get a couple pictures of it.

(Max is getting very brave in the water!)

My sister and her family came! We had such a great time. I had not seen her or her kids since last Thanksgiving. We went to jungle safari, six flags, Santa Cruz, swimming and just enjoyed each others company. While she was here we drove out to Utah for 5 days to visit the rest of our family. Considering we drove all night, with 5 kids and no A/C I think we deserve a big pat on the back! The kids were actually great and we were able to keep the trip to minimal stops.

When we were in Utah we put on Olympic games for all the nieces and nephews. We had opening ceremonies where we introduced all the kids individually and assigned them a country that they would be representing. (we chose countries that our ancestry was from) After we announced where they were from we handed out uniforms (shirts) with there name on them and a picture of the flag from where they were from. We had them march from my sister's house to my mom's house, (about a block) while my dad drove along side of them playing the Olympic theme song. We also made individual flags for them to hold. We made my mom hold the torch and lead them. (thanks for being such a trooper mom!) Throughout the next couple of days, we held different events for them to participate in. (hurdles, sprints, distance, trampoline, shot, long jump, gymnastics, music, etc) As they participated, they earned tickets to spend in the "Olympic gift shop" each night. I hope the kids had a great time and will always remember good times spent with each other.

And last, Max has now upgraded to a big boy bed. I wanted to get him used to it before the baby came. Last night was his first night in it and he did great. He did not get up all night and slept in till 8:00 this morning.


  1. Wow!! The olympics you guys put on was hard core!! That must have taken a lot of time to organize and get together. It looks like tons of fun!!
    And yay for Max and his big boy bed!! We are waiting for our new flooring before we get Jack his. Did you get him a bunk bed?

  2. The Olympics did sound awesome! I'm hoping Logan's transition to his big boy bed goes as well as Max's! His Grandma is making him an airplane quilt for his we're hoping that will make the bed extra "cool".

  3. It was so fun to see you! I'm glad you got to sneak away for dinner.

  4. Wow, that olypmics thing is amazing. How fun!

  5. what a fun idea! i bet you guys had so much fun (maybe minus the car drive...pregnant, up all night, and no AC doesn't sound too fun). i'm glad you're back though! lets go do something this week!

  6. What troopers, I would pat you on the back if I could! I love the Olympics, what a great idea! And max looks so little in that big bed, he is so adorable!

  7. erika was here and you guys didn't call me????
