Thursday, June 12, 2008

Boys will be boys...

Max came up to me this morning with his little finger sticking out. It had a little black dot on it. He said "I eat bug Mommy. I no like it." As he got closer I realized he had a fly on his finger. It was all slimy and covered in his mucus. I screamed and said "yucky, you don't eat bugs" as I ran to get a paper towel. Right before I went to throw it in the trash, I thought, let me get a picture (for the blog, of course). As I was trying to get an "in focus" picture of this fly, it started MOVING!!! It was still alive. Don't ask me how he managed to catch a live fly then get it into his mouth. After telling my sister about this, she told me that they start to fly slow and right before they die, that is when they lay their eggs. GROSS! Now all I can think about is Max catching a fly that was about to lay eggs...and putting it in his mouth!


  1. Oh my gosh!! That is hilarious!! I am so scared for that day when Jack starts to eat bugs too.

  2. Oh my gosh!! That is hilarious!! I am so scared for the day when Jack eats bugs too.

  3. this post totally cracked me up. max IS such a boy!!! i love it
