...and last, but most important, MAXIMO! :-) Here are a few new things about Max since we have moved:
- He loves to play in the backyard, that is, his OWN backyard!!!
- He has discovered the world of finger painting and LOVES it. (thanks Liz)
- His hair is getting longer and curlier everyday.
- He loves to wear hats and loves to take ALL of them out at once and see how many he can get on his head at once.
- He is following in his daddy's footsteps and is rooting for the Eagles to win the super bowl next year.
- He also loves the Jazz. Every time he sees a basketball hoop outside or on TV he yells 'GO JAZZ...niiicccce'
- He is obsessed about going potty on the big boy potty. (well he tries. only once success so far)
- He talks and talks and talks. He says more words everyday and says 3-4 word sentences.
- He climbs NON-STOP. On everything!
- He love playing tinker toys and lincoln logs with his daddy.
- He loves watching Elmo and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, over and over and over...